Information Design for Bilingual Global Public Health Messaging Campaign

Inclusive Information Design for Global Messaging Campaign

Designing Educational Materials

To deliver a bilingual, inclusive, and culturally-informed visual asset and information design for multichannel communications.
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Global Fund for Women, Planned Parenthood
- Lead UX/UI Designer
- Responsible for user research, visual design, accessibility improvements, and overall information design to ensure clarity and inclusivity.
The Design Process
Understanding The Challenge
Empathy Maps
User Personas
Competitive Analysis
Accessibility Compliance  
Ideation & Lo-fi Design
Paper Sketching
User Flows
Information Architecture
Paper Wireframes & Testing
Hi-fi Design
Visual Design
Interaction Design
Motion Design
Evaluation & Iteration
Figma Prototype
Collaboration Boards
Last UI Changes 
Bussiness Challenge
Compiling and presenting statistics and qualitative data on sensitive topics for a global outreach messaging campaign.- Requirement to display this information to communicate significance effectively and make it understandable for non-professional users in multiple countries.
Pain Points
Difficulty in understanding complex public health data.- Need for accessible and inclusive information that considers linguistic and cultural diversity.
Goals & Objectives
- Communicate complex public health data clearly and effectively.- Ensure the information is accessible and engaging across linguistic and cultural barriers.

Usability Study

Study Type
Unmoderated usability study
United States, Remote
5 Participants
20 to 30 min
Key Findings About Users and Their Needs
- Users prefer visually engaging and approachable information.

- The necessity for bilingual content in Spanish and English.
- High demand for intuitive navigation and clear data representation.
User Personas
- Maria: A non-professional health enthusiast from a rural area needing clear visual aids.

- John:  An urban resident looking for reliable information to share with community members.
User Journey Maps
Mapped the entire user journey identifying entry points, interactions, and pain points with the current public health outreach.
information architecture
Data Audit and Content Inventory: Conducted a thorough audit of available data and content.
Data Hierarchy and Organization: Organized data to enhance clarity and accessibility, prioritizing key statistics and qualitative information.
Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes: - Created wireframes and low-fidelity prototypes to map out potential layouts and user flows.
Visual Design
Data Visualization Techniques Chosen: Chose accessible color palettes and readable typography, focusing on high contrast and legibility.
Color Palette and Typography:
Chose accessible color palettes and readable typography, focusing on high contrast and legibility.
Dashboard Layout Options:
Explored various layout options to facilitate effortless navigation and data engagement.

High-Fidelity Mockups: - Developed high-fidelity mockups to represent the final design, ensuring all elements aligned with accessibility and design principles.

Final Solution

Overview of Final Dashboard Design: A bilingual, inclusive, and culturally-informed dashboard featuring clear and engaging visual representations.

Key Features and Functionality: Bilingual support, intuitive navigation, clear data representation, and accessibility features like high contrast mode.

Before and After Comparisons: Demonstrated significant improvements in data clarity and usability compared to the previous Looker Studio representations.

Implementation and Rollout: Successfully implemented and rolled out the final solution to stakeholders, with positive reception.

Results & Impact

Metrics and KPIs
- Increased engagement rates and user satisfaction scores.

- Higher retention and sharing rates of information resources.
User Feedback
- Users appreciated the clarity and accessibility of the information, leading to a wider reach.
Business Outcomes
- Achieved the project's objectives of effective communication and increased public engagement in health information.

Lessons Learned

Challenges Faced and How They Were Overcome:
Managing cultural and linguistic diversity; solved by thorough user research and iterative design processes.
Key Takeaways:
Importance of user-centered design in complex information projects.

Value of inclusive and accessible design practices.
Future Improvements and Next Steps:
- Continuous monitoring and iterative improvements based on user feedback.

- Scaling the design approach to other languages and regions.


Project Achievements

- Successfully designed an inclusive, bilingual information campaign.

- Achieved high user satisfaction and engagement metrics.

What I Learned

- Enhanced skills in accessible and inclusive design, user research, and visual communication.

- Gained valuable experience in collaborating with international stakeholders on public health initiatives.