Dashboard for CDC & SisterLove, Inc. Outreach Campaign

CDC and SisterLove, Inc. conducted an outreach campaign to distribute HIV self-test kits, aiming to increase testing rates among women of color and gender non-conforming individuals.

Data Visualization for Analytics Dashboard

Data visualization optimization for monitoring and reporting dashboard for public health messaging outreach campaign
Centers for Disease Control; SisterLove, Inc
2021 -  2023
Lead UX/UI Designer
The Design Process
Understanding The Challenge
Empathy Maps
User Personas
Competitive Analysis
Accessibility Compliance  
Ideation & Lo-fi Design
Paper Sketching
User Flows
Information Architecture
Paper Wireframes & Testing
Hi-fi Design
Visual Design
Interaction Design
Motion Design
Evaluation & Iteration
Figma Prototype
Collaboration Boards
Last UI Changes 
Bussiness Challenge
Transforming complex data from Looker Studio into an intuitive and useful dashboard.
Goals & Objectives
To create a user-friendly dashboard that simplifies data visualization, enhances clarity, facilitates easier reporting, and aids in the derivation of actionable insights.
Pain Points
Difficulty in tracking and interpreting campaign progress due to complex data representations.
Information architecture
Data Audit and Content Inventory: Conducted a comprehensive data audit to catalog all relevant metrics and content.
Data Hierarchy and Organization: Organized data into a hierarchical structure to prioritize key metrics and facilitate easy navigation.
Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes: Developed wireframes and low-fidelity prototypes to outline the dashboard layout and user flow.
Visual Design
Data Visualization Techniques Chosen: Bar charts, line charts, pie charts, heatmaps, and interactive maps to represent various data metrics.
Color Palette and Typography:
Chose a color palette with high contrast for clarity and a clean, modern font for readability.
Dashboard Layout Options:
Explored multiple layout options to optimize data visibility and user experience.
High-Fidelity Mockups: Created high-fidelity mockups to provide a realistic preview of the final dashboard design.

Usability Study

Study Type
Unmoderated usability study
United States, Remote
5 Participants
20 to 30 min
Key Findings About Users and Their Needs
Users needed a simplified way to track the distribution and impact of HIV self-test kits, with clear visualizations of key metrics and demographics.
User Personas
Created personas representing health administrators, outreach coordinators, and community health workers.
User Journey Maps
Mapped the user journey to identify pain points and opportunities for improvement in data interaction.

Final Solution

Overview of Final Dashboard Design: A comprehensive, user-friendly dashboard that integrates data from multiple sources, providing real-time insights into the outreach campaign.

Key Features and Functionality: Includes interactive elements, real-time updates, clear visualizations, and easy navigation to enhance user experience.

Before and After Comparisons: Demonstrated significant improvements in data clarity and usability compared to the previous Looker Studio representations.

Implementation and Rollout: Successfully implemented and rolled out the dashboard to stakeholders, with training sessions to ensure effective use.

Results & Impact

Metrics and KPIs
Increased user engagement, improved data interpretation accuracy, and quicker decision-making capabilities.
User Feedback
Positive feedback from users on the dashboard’s ease of use and clarity.
Business Outcomes
Enhanced ability to track and report on campaign progress, leading to better-informed decisions and improved campaign strategies.

Lessons Learned

Challenges Faced and How They Were Overcome:
Overcame challenges related to data complexity and integration by applying UX design principles and iterative testing.
Key Takeaways:
The importance of user-centered design and continuous feedback in creating effective data visualization tools.
Future Improvements and Next Steps:
Plan to integrate additional data sources and enhance interactive features based on ongoing user feedback.


Project Achievements

Successfully transformed complex data into an intuitive and useful dashboard, significantly improving data clarity and user engagement.

What I Learned

Gained valuable experience in data visualization, user interface design, and the importance of iterative user feedback in creating effective design solutions.