Hi! I’m Katy Beltran, a digital Experience designer working on Web   design
My Toolbox


Combining all my skills

To create Unforgettable Digital experiences


A little more
About me...

My 10+ years of professional growth have proven the powers of visual communication to drive action. I bring art and design together to brighten the virtual landscape and help my clients to scale their brands and stand out from the crowd.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology- MIT

Extended Reality Designer- XR Design

Savannah College of Art and Design- SCAD

Master in Fine Arts  in Photography

Google Professional Certificate

UX / UI Designer

Non-profits, educational institutions, and world leading brands have trusted my vision to establish their brands in the digital world with an unforgettable presence.

I lead, execute, and evaluate human-center design projects with measurable impact from the virtual to the physical.  

I design digital products that people love and remember.

Ready to spread social good?

Here is how the process goes...

The Design Process
Understanding The Challenge
Empathy Maps
User Personas
Competitive Analysis
Accessibility Compliance  
Ideation & Lo-fi Design
Paper Sketching
User Flows
Information Architecture
Paper Wireframes & Testing
Hi-fi Design
Visual Design
Interaction Design
Motion Design
Evaluation & Iteration
Figma Prototype
Collaboration Boards
Last UI Changes 
A Case Study

Web-App & Mobile App for Health Service Providers

Scalable enterprise website & mobile app that provides remote health services. Data based CMS collections, customer profile and employees portal.

SisterLove, INC




Lead UX/UI Designer
Graphic Artist
Interaction Designer
Art Direction
Web Developer



the challenge
Getting tested for HIV, STD's & pregnancy might trigger a lot of anxiety due to confidentiality worries and judgment at traditional healthcare settings. This issues are heighten for women of color and gender non-conforming individuals.
the solution
To create a discreet and convenient platform to access HIV, STD and pregnancy testing ideally through an app that provides accurate information and resources, empowering women of color and LGBTQA+ individuals to make informed decisions about her sexual health.

this is how Design for Social Good looks like

I conducted user interviews, which I then turned into empathy maps to better understand users and their needs. I discovered that many target users experience distress when looking to getting tested for HIV, STDs and pregnancy.

Women of color and LGBTQA+ individuals in particular fear, or have experience, discrimination by the healthcare system when accessing health services.

Confidentiality is crucial when it comes to getting updates on the individuals status. All this factors combined play huge role in preventing our target users from seeking sexual health testing, learning more about their status and accessing the necessary care & resources to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies. At a greater scale this issues become a matter of public health.

Pain Points

Finding the button forgetting tested quickly. Finding your status tab
Picking a date for appointment request is not intuitive
Clinical language and interfaces are not approachable or empathetic of the users distress when it comes to this type of services 

User Personas

After completing the first round of interviews, and research on the data history of the organization, I came up with 3 user personas and multiples opportunities to help users achieve their goals.

By women for women

I am invested in the power of representation as a tool for creating a world that we all feel a part of.
Underrepresented peoples are in need of spaces in the collective consciousness that help overcome cultural bias & stigma.

For over 7 years I have work side by side with SisterLove, INC, to uplift all women & the LGBTQ+ community by providing a safe platform were they feel represented and empowered.

Art Direction - visual design - UX / UI - creative strategy - Brand Identity -web development -photography - illustration -  

Art Direction - visual design - UX / UI - creative strategy - Brand Identity -web development -photography - illustration -

I am an expert in the design process from start to finish. As a solo or a team player, I can execute and bring to life any UX project or visual experience from the smallest to the biggest.

I used SisterLove's brand color to create a calming virtual space that feels less alienating than traditional clinic environments. It is also an invitation for women of color and the LGBTQ+ community to participate in a safe environment that projects the bright and colorful energy that characterize them.

No more boring websites

Color is a powerful tool to drive emotion and invite users to engage with digital products. I embrace the magic of color to create unique and inviting experiences for users. In this case, E.g. sexual and reproductive health doesn't have to be a taboo. Accessing health services and information can be fun too!

The Framework

Site Maps, Wireframes & Low-Fidelity Prototypes

I constructed full site map and optimized it for scalability .

To create a low-fidelity prototype, I connected all of the screens involved in the primary user flow of adding an item to the cart and checking out.

At this point, I had received feedback on my designs from members of my team about things like placement of buttons and page organization.

I made sure to listen to their feedback, and I implemented several suggestions in places that addressed user pain points.

The same process applies to the Mobile App design


Usability Study

Study Type
Unmoderated usability study
United States, Remote
5 Participants
20 to 30 min


Most of the information and resources were getting lost, as too many steps needed to be taken
Some links were not so visible for people with low vision
The page was too static, making it less engaging

Key Takeaways


Our target users shared that the design was intuitive to navigate through, more engaging with the images, and demonstrated a clear visual hierarchy.

What I Learned

I learned that even a small design change can have a huge impact on the user experience.The most important takeaway for me is to always focus on the real needs of the user when coming up with design ideas and solutions.

Next Steps

Conduct follow-up usability testing on the new website

Identify any additional areas of need and ideation new features. Gamification & interactive learning

Let's Talk About Your Big Idea!

Or let's be online friends and connect on social media